Thursday, May 30, 2013

Push Up Supersets Workout

It's been raining and raining and raining around here lately, and it's not supposed to stop anytime soon. I know it's good for our garden, so I'm happy about that, but I do miss the sun and being able to do things outside. I'm just trying to keep in mind that the plants love it and it's keeping if from being unbearably hot too soon.
Due to all of this I've been doing most of my working out indoors. Which is fine and which is why I love circuit workouts. You can do them anywhere! Here's my newest one. It doesn't look too hard, but everyone I've done it with has been spent by the end of it. Granted that's only two people but still...give it a try and let me know what you think. If you need to do the push ups on you knees, but try to start on you toes and do as many as you can first. Push ups are a great full body exercise. They're really hard, but totally worth it, especially when you start to see yourself being able to do more and more. The backbend push ups are definitely and advanced move, and are just kind of fun and silly. Give them a try if you think you're strong and flexible enough, but please don't hurt yourself trying! Just go back to regular push ups if you need to.

Here are some links to all of the push up variations:
Push Up with Arm Rotation
Stagger Push Ups
Squat with Shoulder Press - Use weights that challenge you for this. You want your muscles to be fatigued by the end of the set. That's how you're going to see results, not by doing tons of reps using weights that are too light for you. If you have a barbell by all means use that. It really makes the exercise more challenging.
Backbend Push Ups
Elevated Plank with Knee Tucks -It's the 2nd exercise in this video, but the whole thing is a great ab workout if you want to try it some time!

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