Saturday, May 25, 2013

My first post! And the get your sprint on workout

Alright here it is, my first post! We've had an awesome day! We worked in the garden a little bit this morning. Our radishes are going crazy! They're growing faster than we can eat them and they're super spicy.

 The rest of the garden is looking pretty good. It just takes patience. Our herbs are doing great and our salad greens are starting to take off. Pretty exciting stuff! After hanging out in the garden for a little bit we walked down to the farmer's market. We got a cute little bachelor button bouquet. Our neighbor grew the flowers and put the arrangements together. Girl's got some talent! We also got a hosta to plant in the garden. Yay gardening!

After all this Cody and I went to one of the stadiums here to workout. We both felt pretty out of shape afterwards. We've got some work to do! Anyways here's the workout:

Here are links to all of the exercises above in case you need them!

This is a quick, but intense workout. I definitely recommend it for a day when you feel like really challenging yourself. I had never tried sprints before today and they are killer!

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